Sunday, July 29, 2012

TpT Products - Discipline Record

Hi! So, I've started my own Teachers Pay Teachers store and have added a few documents.

Today, I added a discipline record. It's nothing fancy...but I've put it up in case anyone is looking for a good form to use for any grade level.

Here is a link to my TpT store. I'm sure that I'll put more "interesting" things up later. Right now, I'm going to go take care of my screaming child! Guess that nap is over! Lol!



  1. Love, love, love your idea of sending a positive after a negative!!! I too am trying to be more positive this year. Good luck with your resolutions and your school year!!!

  2. Thanks! I always made sure that I said a lot of positive things to the parents when I was calling about a problem...but I rarely made purely positive contact with parents. That upsets me. I just keep thinking how I would feel if I was the parent of that child. :(



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