Saturday, July 21, 2012


My wonderful academic coaches have been nice enough to create the first unit for the year for the teachers in our county. It looks phenomenal...but I'm having a little trouble jumping in. I don't know if it's because I'm still in vacation mode or what, but I keep looking at the unit that they've done for me and I have no CLUE where to begin. I've got my writing assessments, the stories that I'm supposed to use, etc., but I just don't know what to plan, exactly.

Sigh. I guess the first thing that I'm going to do is print off all of the things that I have online. This way, I'll have hard copies right in front of me to work with. Then, I'm going to re-read the stories and decide how this is going to work for me.

I'm just so tired. I don't know why I'm tired. I feel like I could just fall asleep right now. Maybe I'm not sleeping well? I honestly don't know. I could drink the world's supply of coffee and still not feel awake. It's making me feel cranky!!!!!!!! I feel like I could just bite someone's head off. Days like these are the hardest. I feel like I just need a break from the world. :(

Oh to make some more coffee and figure out what I'm going to do about this unit.


1 comment:

  1. I can't remember when you go back to school but you should just do what I do... or did until we are down to the wire here... I devoted one hour a day to school work all summer. And on days that I didn't have the time or energy, I just worked extra on other days. Now the past two weeks I have been at my computer every moment of my days trying to get things done. But I feel like I am getting a lot done. And just remember... it gets easier every year... but it will take time.


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