Monday, July 23, 2012

So much to do, so little time

I don't know why I'm having this moment so early, but I am beginning to panic about the new school year already. I need to start devoting at least a solid hour every day to planning for this year. I always think about planning. It's always on my mind. It's like my body won't let me start. PROCRASTINATION!!!!!

I thought I would start a to-do list of purely back to school type things.

  1. Print off all items for 1st Unit (Google Apps).
  2. Mark pages in textbook to which I will need to refer.
  3. Read stories for 1st Unit (textbook and online).
  4. Finish creating materials for 1st Unit.
  5. E-mail Joy about WWW for this year.
  6. Decorate my clipboard (Pinterest idea).
  7. Buy binder and decorate for missed work/notes.
  8. Back to school shopping - Tax Free Weekend (August 3-5)
  9. Make a sample ISN to show kids (not sure if I really want to do this one...)
  10. Organize my books by genre. Label genres.
  11. Make a table caddy (Pinterest idea)
  12. Create procedures.
  13. Create rules/expectations.
  14. Revise consequences.
  15. Picture frames with lined paper and a cute bow = dry-erase boards for to-do list (Pinterest idea)
  16. Teacher Toolbox (Pinterest idea)

I'm sure I'll add more. Sigh. Too much to do. I'm tired just looking at it all.

--Andi :)


  1. It's ok Andi.. the hour a day will help I promise. And umm have you seen my to do list... the thing won't stop growing LOL

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love new followers. :)

    I have organizing books by genre on my to do list as well. I keep putting it off because I know it is going to be very time consuming.

    You will love your teacher toolbox. I know I love mine. And ISNs aren't that bad. :)

  3. Gina - I know! I have sticky notes everywhere and I don't know how I'm going to accomplish everything *deep breath in.....exhale*

    Elaina - I am so excited about the toolbox! I just hope it's not terribly expensive to make! Also, the organizing books is going to be at least a full day's task. I'm going to seriously have to sit down in my classroom with a computer, lock myself in, and go at it. Sigh :(


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