Showing posts with label Introduction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Introduction. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tell Me More, Tell Me More (Linking Up!)

Woo Hoo! I love linky parties! Today, I'm linking up with Mrs. Lemons at Step Into 2nd Grade With Mrs. Lemons for a "Tell Me More, Tell Me More" linky party! Guess it's time for you to learn a little more about me!

The ABCs of Me :)

A - Age:  22

B - Bed Size: Queen! I'm telling you that MY bed is the most comfy bed that I have ever slept in/on. Any family member/friend who has slept in it will agree - super comfy!

C - Chore I Hate: Hmmmm....I'm honestly not sure. Once I get started, I LOVE cleaning. I hate cleaning out the fridge though...opening containers...smelling those smells. Bleh. Also, trash is a man's job. Just sayin'

D - Dogs: Love them! Want one. Miss having one. Will probably get one soon.

E: Essential to Start My day: Coffee. Coffee. More Coffee. Without it, I'm the Grinch. My family, boyfriend, and students will agree. Those are the days that you want to stay out of my way.

F: Favorite Color: Cerise. It's a shade of pink. See?

G - Gold or Silver: Silver. Definitely Silver (unless you want to splurge for white gold!!)

H - Height: I'm 5'9''. Tall lady!

I - Instruments I Play: Piano. I also sing and can play a little bit on the guitar...but I'm not very good at that.

J - Job Title: 7th Grade ELA Teacher. Believe it or not, I requested 7th grade!!! People think I'm crazy when I tell them that, but it's true. I love those crazy, mixed up kids with their hormones flying all over the place. Drama. Drama. Drama. My life is never boring!

K - Kids: I have a son, Christian. He is 13 months old!

L - Live: Yes, I do live. Rockingham, NC - Born & Raised.

M - My Mom's Name: Mom. :)

N - Nicknames: Actually, Andi is a nickname for Andrea :)

O - Overnight Hospital Stay: This has happened twice. The first time was after my appendectomy in 2004. The second time was in 2011 while in labor and for the next two days after I gave birth to the most beautiful little boy that God has ever put on this planet! <3

P - Pet Peeves: BAD GRAMMAR! Listen, I'm not perfect. I admit that. However, there are some rules that should NEVER be broken. For example, know the difference between 'sale' and 'sell.' You don't have items up 'for sell.' You aren't trying to 'sale' some items. Ugh. Also, alot = a lot. Last thing, you should have comma confidence and not comma confusion. If you don't think there should be a comma, you're probably right. Come on. Get it together.

Q - Quote From A Movie: "Did you know that scars are the road map to the soul?" --The Air I Breathe

R - Righty/Lefty: Righty but I am pretty ambidextrous as well.

S - Siblings: I have two older half-sisters and one younger sister. They're all pretty great.

T - Time I Wake Up: Differs from day-to-day. During the school year, I'm up around 6 AM pretty consistently. During the summer, I'm up whenever my child starts moving around and making noise loud enough for the baby monitor to pick it up (this could be 7 AM or as late as 11 AM).

U - Underwear: Yes. I wear it. I like to shop at Victoria's Secret but my NEW love is the Jockey outlet at Tanger Outlets! Great deals and the undies are super comfy!

V - Veggies I Dislike: I'm not a huge veggie fan...but I REALLY don't like squash.

W - What Makes Me Run Late: Procrastination. Losing my keys. My child throwing up on my clothes as I try to walk out the door to get him to day care. Lol.

X - X-Rays I've Had: Oh gosh! Arms (right arm multiple times, left arm once), right foot, several others...but I'm not sure. I've been in an x-ray room WAY too many times.

Y - Yummy Food I Make: I'm a pretty decent cook. My favorite thing to make is either Honey Mustard Mozzarella Chicken OR this chicken that I top with a cheesy, creamy sauce. I think it's called Cheesy Crispy Chicken. Idk. I just LOVE to cook!

Z - Zoo Animal: I don't know, honestly. My favorite animal is a white tiger...but I haven't seen one in a zoo in a long time :(

My Favorite Things :)
Ok, I have a LOT of favorite things. These are just the first things that came to mind!

Buffy!!! Especially Season 2 (but they're all epic)

Couponing (new obsession)

Family Guy (because who doesn't love that!)

Kindle Fire (I'd be lost without mine. Just wish it worked better in the sun!)

Beth Moore. She's an amazing Christian role model. Plus, this book is ahhh-mazing.

I'm a Tar Heel born. I'm a Tar Heel bred. When I die, I'm a Tar Heel dead!!! UNC BABY!

These are my favorite flowers. White & Pink Roses!

White Chocolate (YUM). It's not really chocolate though. That's a misnomer.

The 5 Love Languages. Thought this was going to be lame. Totally changed my relationship.

Ok, that's enough about me. Comment and tell me some things about you! I'd love to know more! :)


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Blog Award!

Wow! I feel incredibly lucky that I have been nominated by someone for a blog award. I can't believe that someone felt that I was worthy of that honor this early in my journey. Thanks to Christine from Tales from Room 17 for the nomination. **Update 8/2/12 - Amy at Sixth Grade Sparkle has nominated me for this award too!!**

Versatile Blogger Award:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. (check)
2. Include a link to their site. (check)
3. Include the award image in your post. (check)
4. Give 7 random facts about yourself. (check)
5. Nominate 5-10 other bloggers, include their link, and let them know. (check)

Seven Random Facts About Me
1. I have three sisters (two are older, one younger).
2. I can wiggle my ears. I discovered this at Planet Hollywood in the bathroom.
3. I have never tried a baked potato.
4. I used coupons successfully for the first time today.
5. I play the piano.
6. I LOVE The Bachelorette. :)
7. Sometimes, I wish that I had more time to help out at local charities. :(

These are the blogs I am nominating for the Award: 

The Trials and Tribulations of Tinkerbell 
Handprints on the Wall 
Third Grade Tidbits 
Confessions of a Teachanista 

Thank you for reading!


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Blog Hop! :)

I am posting a million times today...but I'm loving this blogging thing! :)

One of the girls that I follow keeps having these wonderful ideas. One of them is to do a blog hop. Basically, I'm going to answer the same 5 questions that a lot of others have answered. Then, I'm going to include a link to a TON of other awesome blogs. This should continue to bounce around and, hopefully, others will be brought to my blog too! I can't WAIT to sit down tomorrow and go through some of these blogs.

1. What state are you in?
          North Carolina

2. What is your current teaching position?
          I teach 7th grade English Language Arts at a local middle school. It is the SAME school that I attended when I was in the 7th grade and I am also lucky enough to be teaching alongside of some of the teachers who taught me! It's a great experience!

3. What is your teaching experience?
          This will be my 2nd year as a teacher. Last year, I taught 7th grade ELA. This year, I'll be in the exact same classroom.

4. When did you start blogging?
          I have blogged on and off since I was 13. This blog was started a few days ago.

5. Share some blogging tips or a resource.
          I write about whatever is personal to me. I will never try and write about something that doesn't mean something to me. When I do that, it makes my blog seem as if I didn't write it. I will stay true to myself and I think that is something that all bloggers need to remember. We don't want to read a teaching instructional website when we come to blogs. We want to read someone's opinions and read about their experiences. Stick to what you know :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

First post!

I'm not really sure what this blog will turn out to be. I have a bad habit of starting a blog and not following through with it. I love the idea of blogs but I have a hard time with the time commitment (I say as if I'm not on my computer all the time). This time, I hope it will be different. I will have an alarm set every day so I remember to blog daily. I'm going to write about a lot of different things. My topics will range from things that I have DIYed, educational practices, mommy questions, girlfriend rants, recipes, etc. I could write about anything on any given day. I know most blogs have a topic...and mine is ME!

Before I begin, here are a few things you should know (if you don't already):

  • I am 22 years old.
  • I have a beautiful 13 month old son (13 months as of 7/5/12).
  • I've been in a committed relationship for 2.5 years now. We have our struggles...but EVERYONE has struggles. It's in how you deal with them that can make or break a relationship.
  • I am also a teacher. Last year was my first year as a 7th grade ELA teacher. I survived. I'm about to start year two and am mentally preparing for the curriculum changes and higher expectations of this year.
  • I have three sisters.
  • I have 0 pets but am dying to get a puppy.
  • Both of my parents are still alive.
  • I just bought my very first house. It's perfect for me and my little family.
  • I am slightly OCD in that everything has to be organized just so.
  • I am a very anxious person. This is why I write a lot of the time. You'll see.
Alright, I believe that's everything that I need to say right now.

See you tomorrow! :)
