Friday, August 3, 2012

Currently! and a LITTLE Bit of Whining :(

Today, I'm linking up with Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade for the August Currently!

More info on my B2S Must Haves:

1) My Teacher Toolbox!

I am an extremely organized person, in general. Last year was my first year of teaching. About halfway through the year, I had a meeting with my principal. It was one of our "Hey! Let's touch base and make sure everything's going smoothly" meetings. They are never bad even though I get very nervous about them. She told me that she loves that I'm so organized and that it makes things so much easier for the students. However, by the end of the year, I thought I was going NUTS because of all of the clutter and junk that had accumulated. Now, after several teachers have retired and passed along more stuff to me (which I am so grateful for), I need to get organized again. This toolbox is going to help me SO MUCH. I'm thrilled about how great it turned out. I can now get all of this junk out of my desk drawer and out somewhere that I can can actually find it!

2) Decor that matches my class color scheme.

This year, I've decided to go with a basic black and white color scheme with pops of hot pink and Carolina blue. There will also be a lot of floral and damask decoration around. I'm so girly. I love the elegance of the damask print and I love flowers. The pops of color will help my room not to be so "boring" for the kiddies. I'm excited about it all. Last year, I didn't really have a scheme. I just used what I had...which WASN'T much :(

3) Cricut Expression

This is the best machine a teacher could ever ask for. I'm lucky enough to be able to use one of these bad boys for my classroom. I love this machine. It helps me cut out very nice shapes, words, labels, etc. Die-cuts are also really nice to have access to as well. Most schools around here have die-cut machines with the very basics in die cuts. My mother used to own a scrapbook store and is also in it's nice to have her expertise when figuring things out for my room.

Alright, second topic. I'm so sad right now. It's tax-free weekend in my state and I WANT TO SHOP! However, I'm flat broke. I just want to go get clipboards and storage and ribbon and...this list could go on and turn into the LONGEST run-on sentence that you've ever seen. Let me stop. I'm whining. Wahhhhhhhhh :(

I must have been destined to be a teacher. For as long as I can remember, I've been so excited about going to buy school supplies. Now, I'm excited to buy them AND sad about it because they cost money. Lol! I try to buy very, very plain materials and decorate them myself...but now I'm needing border and decorations for my bulletin boards...and I need the materials so that I can put up my boards. :(



  1. Yay for tax free weekend...Now if I just had a personal shopper. =)

    Emily @ Second Grade Silliness 

  2. Can the personal shopper spend HER money and not mine? Hahaha :)


  3. It's Tax free weekend here too but I'm not going shopping. If I spend anymore money my husband is going to kill me.
    Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten

  4. Your toolbox looks great!! Newest follower here!

    1...2...3...Teach With Me

  5. Thank you Tammy! I'm glad to have you!

    Ms. Kerri - I know! Luckily, my boyfriend doesn't know how much I've spent! Hahaha. I wonder if I can talk him into buying me some things (highly doubt it!!!)


  6. It's tax free weekend here too! I'm off to go shopping.
    Miss Nelson

  7. I did my damage at Old Navy today - Uniform shirts for my daughter $5!!!! My son is entering high school, our first year without a uniform- I have NO IDEA how to shop. I have been SPOILED. Can't there just be 4 more years of easy-peasy shopping?!?! Very cute blog :)

  8. I'm so jealous of you guys! I have my list ready to go...I just need someone to buy it for me. Hahahaha! :)


    Uniform shirts for $5!? That's a STEAL, Jill!

  9. I love the Gilmore girls! I just finished my teacher tool box. It took forever but I am so excited to use it!

  10. I am so jealous of your tax-free weekend! Your color scheme sounds so lovely- I would love to have that scheme for my own house :)

    3rd Grade Thoughts

  11. Tamara - I know! It probably took me 3 hours if you include spray painting and Mod Podging it! It will be well worth it come August 27th!

    Stephanie - I know! I'm so excited! I just want to get in there and start decorating! :)


  12. Love Gilmore Girls. I own all of them on DVD and spent part of my summer watching every episode. I didn't know what to do with myself when it was over. :)

  13. I need them on DVD. I've been recording every episode that comes on abcfamily since the middle of July. Comes on every weekday at 11 AM. :) This means that there are no commercials when I watch the episodes...but it also means that I can't watch more when I run out! :(



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