Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Blog - 10/7/14

This week, we have moved into the planning phase for the ALAR project. Here's what I plan to do this week:

1. Survey students to find out their personal reading habits, use of technology, and willingness to read more if it was available to them via technology.
2. Coordinate a meeting between Jesse Gibson, the Director of SRLS, myself and Karen Brewer, media specialist at Hamlet Middle School. Phone conference, e-mail communication, something. Open the lines of communication to determine how best to work with Overdrive.

It doesn't seem like much, but it's exactly what I need to get done this week to move forward in the project. It will be part of my data collection for the project.

After this, I will move into next week's goals:

1. Download the Overdrive app onto all of my devices to learn how they work.
2. Work on a guide to teach students how to operate Overdrive from their devices.
3. Look into a time when students can get their own library card.

This will put me right on my way to creating something useful for my students who are interested in reading. Plus, this will hopefully make reading more appealing to my boys, since middle school boys are more likely to read if they are reading on some sort of technological device.

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