Monday, May 2, 2016

Day 13-14 (and today...)

So, I didn't post at all this weekend because I stayed relatively busy, but here's a recap:

Saturday. Was. Awful.

Ok, ok, so it didn't start out that way.

I hung out around the house with my fiance and my son. We had a good breakfast and a healthy lunch. Then, I had to get ready and take my Beta Club kids to the Humane Society to volunteer. We had so much fun. The girls fell in love with all of the kittens and I - as much as it pains me to admit this - fell in love with a labrador retriever puppy. I held him for like 15 minutes, and now he's mine. I go back to get him on Wednesday. Nick is ecstatic. I have told him "no dogs" for months. Then, I surprised him with one. He had no idea, but he's thrilled! It's exactly what he wanted - a black lab.

His name will be Kylo Skywalker (this was set in stone when I reminded Nick that Wednesday is "Star Wars Day" - May the fourth be with you...hahahahahahaha).

Anyway, then we went to Fayetteville to go to Sam's Club for groceries. We go about once a month and stock up. I was so hungry by the time that we got to Fayetteville. Nick convinced me that we could have a "cheat" meal and we went into Red Robin for dinner. The wait was 20 minutes or less. Nick said no and we left. We were in a hurry.

Thus begun my bad mood.

I wanted a burger. Red Robin had healthier options. I wanted it!!!

We ended up eating cheese pizza at Sam's Club at the inClubcafe. -_- One freaking piece of cheese pizza was 580 calories. What the heck!?


Bad mood extended.

Then, Christian acted like a crazy person the rest of the time we were there - I mean, he's 4 but WOW!

Bad mood can now touch the top of Sam's Club, and those ceilings are pretty high.

After we get to the checkout, Nick realizes one of the things is broken and has to go get more...leaving me alone with the cart and the checkout process. The total is ungodly and I'm ready to stroke out by the time he gets back.

Double what we had planned to spend.

Now, we can add stress to the bad mood.

We left there and went to Dick's to get my new yoga mat. That was a positive. I really like it thus far! I've used it for two days and it's nice!

Then to PetSmart for dog supplies (that we didn't get at Sams).

Now Nick's broke, I'm broke, and Christian is still acting like a crazy person!

I cried the whole way home. I was hungry, because the junk food had completely gone away. I was dehydrated. I was broke. And, because I was in a bad mood, I was scared that if I couldn't snap out of it, Nick was going to leave me.

^^Sidenote: Nick is not going to leave me. I'm irrational and I have panic disorder. I always jump to the worst case scenario before I rationalize anything out. Actually, I usually have to be forced to calm down and someone else has to rationalize things before I can see the clear picture. Nick loves me; I just have horrible relationship experience.

Luckily, by the time we got home, I was better. Exhausted, but better.

Definitely time for sleep...

Sunday was better (Day 14).

We didn't go to Church, mostly because I had such a horrible headache. Yoga made the headache worse. Inversions and blood flow reversal, ugh. My head was pounding.

After my parents got out of Church, they asked if they could come get Christian for a little while. He was so good yesterday while he was here, but they wanted to see him, so I agreed!

They all left and Nick made lunch. Velveeta (whole wheat rotini) and tilapia. One cup of the macaroni is like 310 calories, so it could be worse.

We watched Sherlock Holmes, did our face masks, showered, shaved, and got all pretty (<< hahaha. No. We don't do pretty after Church on Sundays. We do relaxed and comfortable)

Then, Nick's parents brought over a steam cleaner for my carpets. I spent the next 3 hours working. It was amazing. I've never steam cleaned my carpets. I've lived here for 4 years and they've never been done. I have two cats now and I've had two different dogs come through here. One of them peed everywhere and the other got sick and pooped all over one of my carpeted rooms. You can't even tell now. That was the best part of yesterday! The floors look amazing.

Nick tried to make a low-calorie dinner......He's never allowed to help me with "healthy" foods again. (One bowl of his dinner was 558 calories.) Lol!!!

Christian came home around 8:30 -_- Past his bedtime, but he had fun with his Grammy and Papa. We got him all clean and in bed just in time to do PiYo: Core. 30 minutes of "fun" later, it was time for yet another shower. So sweaty.

Then, bed.

Now, here we are, Day 15. Only 9 more days to go.

This weekend, we weren't perfect. We splurged, maybe a little too much. Saturday felt like a nightmare, but really wasn't all bad. We're getting a new family member - Kylo!

It's going to be a good week, although I'm exhausted now.


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