Do you see me?
Do you see my face?
I just cussed out my TV. Like, Shaun T has now been thoroughly cussed out. People, if you know me at all, you know I RARELY use vulgar language. I think for 40 minutes, I rarely said something that was nice.

Other than that boss workout I just did, it was a pretty good day! I ate fairly well. I tried a new salmon recipe from SparkRecipes. So delicious. I also tried couscous for the first time. It was also REALLY good!

My curriculum is done for the school year. Another teacher and I planned everything. We have all of our resources for the ENTIRE year! We are going to get back together around the 15th and write specific lesson plans for the first few weeks of school. I already feel SO much better about this year, despite the transition to a new school.
On another note, I am so nervous that I'm not going to lose any weight this week. I'm getting back in routines. I'm eating better again. I'm working out. I'm drinking my water. I just still feel like I'm going to weigh myself on Sunday and have gained weight...or measure myself and have gained inches. I'm so terrified to gain weight. I'm scared that I'll quit if I have zero results after a week of working so hard. Then, I feel stupid for feeling that way...which then makes me more nervous. Ugh. I hate this cycle of badness.